Our Contracts
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Last updated
Our contracts allows users to execute onchain actions by sending funds to an address or ENS name.
Removes Phishing Risk: Users can use our contracts directly in their wallets instead of User Interfaces (UIs) to perform onchain actions. This removes the risk of phishing scams, which are most prevalent on the UI side.
Increases Efficiency: Our contracts combine multiple actions into one, which is simply sending ETH to an address or ENS domain. This saves the user time and helps them capture market opportunities in an instant.
Mobile Friendly: Using multiple UIs on mobile is a nightmare. Our contracts are easy to use on mobile.
No Geofencing: There is no UI, therefore a user can use any protocol in any country.
Coming soon..
Bridge - Bridge ETH from one network to another.
Swap - Swap ETH into another token.
Bridge + Swap - Send ETH from one network to another. Once the ETH arrives to the desired network it is then instantly swapped into another token.
Bridge + Pool - Send ETH from one network to another. Once the ETH arrives to the desired network it is then instantly deposited into a liquidity pool.
Stake - Deposits ETH into liquidity pools.
Deposit (AAVE) - Deposits ETH sent as collateral on your AAVE vault.
Bundle - Swaps ETH sent proportionally into a basket of tokens.